“Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket!” by Charles Mage

"Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket!" by Charles Mage

"Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket! is a magical manual that will teach you how to cast powerful spells and work your magick anywhere, even from inside your pocket. This will allow you to live a magical life absolutely anywhere, even in public. Indeed, there are skillful magicians and witches out there who cast their mighty spells and complete their rituals with their fingers inside their pocket. For years, many aspiring students of the occult arts searched for this knowledge but only ended in vain. Now is the time for you to finally unveil the very secrets of this ancient practice that is usually revealed only to a few and chosen initiates. Deep in these pages, you shall find the key to true power and everlasting wonder. Use it wisely and only for good."