“Subconscious Codes: Code Phrases For Happiness And Good Luck” by Wilbur Franklin

"Subconscious Codes: Code Phrases For Happiness And Good Luck" by Wilbur Franklin

"This book is all about reprogramming your subconscious mind. The author developed certain code phrases that will trigger certain parts of your subconscious mind and enable you to remain in control in every situation of your life.

This technique is highly effective and creates amazing results in your life. You can use the power of your subconscious mind and achieve everything you want In your life whether it is health wealth prosperity or happiness. All you have to do is to learn this technique and repeat these phrases every time you need.

By using the power of your subconscious mind you can achieve power, prosperity, and harmony in love.

In this book, you will find various ways to impress the subconscious mind and get the correct answers to your every problem. This makes this book precious and present help in hard times of life."