“Vibrational State and Energy Resonance: Self-tuning to a higher level of consciousness” by Nanci Trivellato

"Vibrational State and Energy Resonance: Self-tuning to a higher level of consciousness" by Nanci Trivellato

"The Vibrational State (VS) is considered an essential phenomenon for balancing one’s energy system, practicing psychic self-defense, and acquiring multidimensional lucidity. This original work presents a thorough study of the VS, including unprecedented information and surprising revelations. The information contained in this book is instrumental to a clear understanding of the energy body, its functions, and its vibratory levels. Individuals with extrasensory sensitivity and out-of-body experiences in particular will find invaluable explanations and tools for mastering the phenomena experienced. Special attention is given to the role of the VS and one’s energy field as a catalyst for the evolution of the consciousness."