“Hoodoo † Voodoo: Rootwork, Conjure and Folk Magic” by Mariesa Faer

"Hoodoo † Voodoo: Rootwork, Conjure and Folk Magic" by Mariesa Faer

"If you’ve ever been to New Orleans, you’ve witnessed the influence Hoodoo and Voodoo can have on a town. VooDoo and Hoodoo Magick have a long history of use.

Though many rumors and oddities stem from these traditions, they are rooted in history and have helped countless individuals find their way. Telling fortunes, casting spells, making charms for purchase, were all a part of the role of those who practiced Hoodoo and Voodoo in the early 20th century.

These practices play the same roles today, only now there are many more niches and variations to choose from, that is – so many curious and creative forms of true magic!"