“Eight Limbs of Yoga: The Structure and Pacing of Self-Directed Spiritual Practice” by Yogani

"Eight Limbs of Yoga: The Structure and Pacing of Self-Directed Spiritual Practice provides an efficient integration of a wide range of yoga practices for use in a daily routine that is compatible with an active lifestyle, while staying in tune with the centuries-old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Here, these ancient innovations are brought up-to-date and optimized for modern self-directed practitioners. The center of all spiritual progress is found within each human nervous system. When these time-tested methods for stimulating human spiritual transformation are applied in an integrated way, spiritual unfoldment can occur within any cultural or religious setting. Detailed instructions on the many individual practices discussed here are provided throughout the AYP writings. This volume ties them all together in a systematic way to facilitate long term self-paced cultivation of abiding inner silence, ecstatic bliss, outpouring divine love, and the rise of unity in Self-realization."

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