“Asatru For Beginners: A Pagan Guide for Heathens to Discovering the Magic of Norse Paganism, Viking Mythology and the Poetic Edda” by Melissa Gomes

"Asatru For Beginners: A Pagan Guide for Heathens to Discovering the Magic of Norse Paganism, Viking Mythology and the Poetic Edda" by Melissa Gomes

"Everything You Need to Know to Start Practicing Asatru and Discovering the Magic of Norse Paganism, Viking Mythology and the Poetic Edda.

Are you curious about Asatru, but don't know where to begin? Or maybe you want to learn more about the myths and legends surrounding our Northern Gods?

Either way, by the time you've finished this book, you will be well on your way to embracing the Viking Spirit and all it has to offer.

Asatru is the religion of pre-Christian Northern European tribes, ancestors of modern Scandinavians and other Germanic peoples, who practiced it before the introduction of Christianity to Europe. Asatru is based on Norse paganism and mythology. It embraces a complex heathen worldview that includes the belief in several deities, concepts about death and the afterlife, an understanding of cosmology, and magic and runic beliefs.

In Asatru for Beginners, best-selling author Melissa Gomes takes you on an enlightening and entertaining journey into Norse paganism. You will emerge from this guide with a solid footing in the basic principles of Asatru as a modern way of life. Melissa shares her own experience in discovering the Norse gods and goddesses, as well as ways to incorporate them into your everyday life. She provides a thorough introduction to mythology and its importance to Asatru, followed by an exploration of the magical practices that make up its core. Melissa's passion for the subject shines through every page of this book. Whether you have been studying Asatru for years or are just starting out, be prepared to learn something new!"