
Magic by Design: How to Create your own Practical Magic Workings that get Results

Do you want magical workings that get consistent results? In Magic by Design, I teach you how to create your own magical workings, instead relying on magick spell books that aren't providing you the results you want. I'll show you how simplify or enhance an existing magical spell to get better results. I'll walk you through how to apply the principles of magical design to create your own unique workings that get consistent results. I'll share multiple case studies where I show you how the principles of magical design were applied to create original magical workings that got results and explain why they got results. And as a bonus you'll also learn how to create long term magical workings...>>

“Become the Maelstrom” by D. H. Thorne

"You are not your thoughts… “You” are the emptiness between your thoughts! You are the void, the alpha, and the omega! Your life is the dream of a sleeping god and all dreams may be made lucid. The objective of this book is not to wake you up and end the dream, but to instead help you awaken inside the dream. Awaken to the potential power that we all have as the god and devil of our own reality. This book details Thorne’s methods of Demon magick and black mysticism and is structured to help the novice to intermediate mage to understand what some consider the deepest dive into the fundamentals of magick and...>>