“Fiction Writer’s Workshop” by Josip Novakovich (2nd edition)

" This book exemplifies the best of a writing workshop: thought-provoking instruction, a charismatic teacher and illuminating examples from classic and contemporary literary masters. Each chapter explores a different aspect of the art of fiction and ends with a series of writing exercises –127 in all. Complete with self-critique questions to help you assess your work, these exercises challenge you to experiment with the diverse writing styles as you clarify your own. Make the most of Josip Novakovich's insightful, mind-expanding workshop and come away with a stronger voice, a broader perspective and better fiction."...>>

“Tarot for Writers” by Corrine Kenner

"Once reserved for mystics and seers, the tarot is one of the best tools for boosting your creativity and shifting your imagination into high gear. Famous authors such as John Steinbeck and Stephen King have used the tarot deck to tap into deep wells of inspiration, and you can enliven your own writing the same way―whether you craft short stories, novels, poetry, nonfiction, or even business proposals. This book on reading tarot cards and applying them to your writing will guide you through each stage of the creative process, from fleshing out a premise to promoting a finished work. Enhance your storytelling technique through over 500 enjoyable writing prompts, exploratory games for groups and individuals,...>>

“Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart” by Kevin Burk

"In Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart, Kevin Burk takes you step-by-step from the core basics to the finer complexities of chart interpretation while avoiding sidetracks into obscure techniques and fuzzy thinking. As a teacher, Burk also understands that a real grasp of the subject entails more than just learning the techniques-it also involves grasping the underlying principles that make those techniques valid. Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart is designed to be useful to all students of astrology, from beginners to more advanced practitioners, and will help you develop an integrated, synthesized approach to understanding the birth chart. You will discover how classical astrology can enrich your understanding of the planets, signs, and houses. You will...>>