“Life Force: The Miraculous Power of Qi Gong” by Teresa Yeung

"Life Force: The Miraculous Power of Qi Gong" by Teresa Yeung

" Qi is the energy of creation. Qi is in all living organisms, plants and animals. We are all "Qi".

In this book, Master Teresa shares the Qi Gong life-changing stories of herself, her family, friends, students, practitioners of Qi Gong with you. The testimonials from all walks of life encourage everyone to look at Qi Gong differently and how it can impact you physically, emotionally and assist your spiritual growth. This one of a kind book is like a reference book that ties different "knots" of energy work so that readers who wish to practice Qi Gong can understand more about how Qi works in the body. Many topics of interest relating to energy work are also being covered. Learn to be your own healer and take charge of your Qi energy and life."