“American Folk Magick: Charms, Spells & Herbals” by Silver RavenWolf (2nd edition 1998)

"American Folk Magick: Charms, Spells & Herbals" by Silver RavenWolf (2nd edition 1998)

"The Magick of the People

Homespun Faith Healers, Bone-Setters, and Water Witches have been working magick in America for 300 years. From chants and charms to spells and hex signs, American Folk Magick reveals the workings of a dying folk tradition (also called Pow-Wow magick) that has been passed down through the generations. These techniques are simple, but still as practical as the settlers who first used them.

Whether your spiritual beliefs are Christian, Wiccan, or something in-between, blend American Folk Magick with your own faith to work a little magick on everyday problems. Many of the magickal tools you'll need—like string, stone, plants, water, and cloth—are probably in your kitchen already!

• protective magick for your home, garden & family • magickal hex signs • healing chants, spells & tools • conjuring bags for prosperity & love • chants for banishing negative energy • amulets for healing & protection • Psalm magick • divination by runes, wind, omens, or casting lots

You, too, can work magick. All you need is the wish to improve your life, a powerful belief, and the rich compendium of folk tradition in this book."