“Chaos Magick Deciphered: Knowledge is Power” by Asamod ka

"What makes this Chaos Magick book special? The book is original, not "more of the same". The author, as a mage, gave his personal perspective to the whole work. Does not include the dusty ancient rituals of the Golden Dawn, Jewish Goetia, or the egregore spells from H.P Lovecraft's "Necronomicon".
This work contains new and unique rituals, based on Sumerian and Egyptian magick, adapted to Chaos Magick, Egyptian ogdoad, Isfet, Seth and other chaos deities. It contains correlations between rituals, symbolism, gnosis and quantum physics. The book contains a chapter on Memetic Magick as well as teachings for personal empowerment. It is a complete book with a lot of practical information, written by a real human and a practitioner of magick. It does not contain dozens of pages of "chitty talk" theoretical information, nor was it written by AI.
Egyptian "hekau" mantras for personal empowerment. The connection between magick and other areas, such as psychology, shamanism, shadow work with Egyptian archetypes, scrying with the chaosphere, provides a broad view of chaos magick."

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