“Days and Times of Power: A Guide to Optimizing High Energy Solar and Lunar Moments” by Eric Rasbold and Katrina Rasbold

"In human life, we choose certain days to celebrate particular feelings and events. As we move from culture to culture, those days shift and greatly reflect the values upheld by the particular society concerned. We celebrate anniversaries of important happenings, including our own birth. We have holidays that are of religious significance to us and connect us deeply to our own version of what is divine and sacred, as well as to the traditional stories that link us together on a spiritual level.
In this book, we explore the energies that are inherent during particular seasonal periods of the Sun, the aspects of the Moon and other astrological metaphysical phenomenon that play out through our existence and influence us.
It is well known amongst practitioners of magical energy that certain times lend specific energies for enhancement of the practice of magic, but for the students of Bio-Universal Energies practices, the study of these phenomena is an especially important tool in learning the most effective means of causing manifestation and transformation in ourselves and the world in which we operate.
Days and Times of Power is a book in the Bio-Universal Energy Magic Series that assists the energy worker in bringing about the most powerful experience one can have on the path of purposeful manifestation.
On what days and at what times should you perform energy work to maximize particular energies you want to emphasize? This book gives detailed insights concerning solar and lunar aspects, as well as holidays, weather conditions and their role in energy magic, and times when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest.
Techniques are also included for how to store the energy of particular days and times to be used in later work. Nature leaves us little pockets of energy scattered through the calendar and throughout weather conditions. This book tells you how to effectively use those energy gifts to boost your energy output."

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