“Knot Magic:A Handbook of Powerful Spells Using Witches’ Ladders and other Magical Knots” (Mystical Handbook) by Sarah Bartlett

"Harness the secret power of enchanted knots with Knot Magic. Cast powerful spells with ancient knot magic that has been around for centuries. With a length of string, ribbon, cord, or anything that can be knotted, you can quickly make magic work for you, whether to enchant new love into your life, change your fortune, or manifest your dreams. You'll learn not only the best way to cast a spell, but also the best time to perform the spell to ensure success. Become a master knot maker as your spells take root. This unique collection includes all-powerful witch's ladders, where additional talismans are woven in with the knots to reinforce the desired outcome, and "unknotting" charms,...>>

“Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits” by BJ Swain

"Living Spirits explores the various types of spirits which exist in Western Magic and how they can be approached in a world alive with their presence and power. Living Spirits invites readers to jump off the sidelines and reach deep into the rich soil of a magical world and explore its power and mysteries so as to apply them for the purposes of real and effective magic. The book explores the traditions of the grimoires but goes beyond that and explores spirit magic in a broader current based on building relationships with spirits."...>>

“Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy” by Robert Allen Bartlett

"A ground-breaking modern manual on an ancient art, Real Alchemy draws on both modern scientific technology and ancient methods. A laboratory scientist and chemist, Robert Allen Bartlett provides an overview of the history of alchemy, as well as an exploration of the theories behind the practice. Clean, clear, simple, and easy to read, Real Alchemy provides excellent directions regarding the production of plant products and transitions the reader-student into the basics of mineral work—what some consider the true domain of alchemy. New students to practical laboratory alchemy will enjoy reading Real Alchemy and hopefully find the encouragement needed to undertake their own alchemical journey. Bartlett also explains what the ancients really meant when they...>>

“The Book of Magick Power” by Jason Augustus Newcomb

"This is the most comprehensive book on the subject of modern practical magick to date. Practical magick is magical work that makes real and observable changes in you and your environment through the invisible forces that manifest and transform your reality. Astral projection, telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, weather magick, angelic and demonic conjuration, magnetism and fascination, manifesting love and prosperity, prophesying the future, communicating with the dead, these are just a few of the more than one hundred procedures clearly detailed in this manual. For centuries these techniques were guarded by their few masters. The veil has finally been lifted. This definitive work simply and clearly outlines the procedures necessary to open up the unseen...>>