“The New Psychedelic Revolution: The Genesis of the Visionary Age” by James Oroc

"After the dismantling of a major acid laboratory in 2001 dramatically reduced the world supply of LSD, the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s appeared to have finally run its course. But the opposite has actually proven to be true, and a psychedelic renaissance is rapidly emerging with the rise in popularity of transformational festivals like Burning Man and BOOM!, the return to positive media coverage of the potential benefits of entheogens, and the growing number of celebrities willing to admit the benefits of their own personal use. Along with the return of university research, the revival of psychedelic philosophy, and the increasing popularity of visionary art, these new developments signify the beginning of a...>>

“The Chemical Muse: Drug Use and the Roots of Western Civilization” by D. C. A. Hillman

"The Chemical Muse uncovers decades of misdirection and obfuscation to reveal the history of widespread drug use in Ancient Rome and Greece. In the city-states that gave birth to Western civilization, drugs were an everyday element of a free society. Often they were not just available, but vitally necessary for use in medicine, religious ceremonies, and war campaigns. Their proponents and users existed in all classes, from the common soldier to the emperor himself. Citing examples in myths, medicine, and literature, D. C. A. Hillman shows how drugs have influenced and inspired the artists, philosophers, and even politicians whose ideas have formed the basis for civilization as we know it. Many of these ancient texts...>>

“Psychic Dreaming: Dreamworking, Reincarnation, Out-of-Body Experiences & Clairvoyance” by Loyd Auerbach (revised edition)

"Everyone is psychic to some degree, but did you know that your abilities can be enhanced while you dream? Psychic Dreaming explores how parapsychology and dreamwork can be combined to boost creativity, improve your decision-making, and heal yourself in body and soul. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach shows you how to identify telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and other psi experiences as they occur through dreams. Discover dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and symbol interpretation to solve problems, relieve stress, confront your fears, and overcome nightmares. Use your dreams to create psychic connections with your loved ones, and explore other points in time and space to create a complete picture of the person you are, the person you have been,...>>

“Magical Healing: Folk Healing Techniques from the Old World” by Hexe Claire

"Nourish your physical and spiritual wellness with the old folk healing traditions of Germany. Magical Healing unites ancient ways with modern ones, teaching you about effective remedies, magical techniques and correspondences, deities, and much more. In addition to providing time-tested traditions and healing knowledge, this book helps you trust in your own abilities and develop a practice that best suits your needs. Magical Healing reveals the hidden world of those who practice traditional folk magic. Germany's bestselling witchcraft author Hexe Claire uses her years of experience to guide you along your path of healing, showing you impressive techniques and tips for personalizing them. Explore spells and the power of words, use plants and stones to...>>

“Osogbo: Speaking to the Spirits of Misfortune” by Ocha’ni Lele

"Beginning with the story of his goddaughter's battle with stage IV cancer, Lucumi priest Ócha'ni Lele explains the role of osogbo, or misfortune, in our lives. While everyone seeks blessings in life, undeserved blessings make us weak and lazy. It is tragedy that encourages us to grow and persevere. Exploring the Lucumí beliefs regarding osogbo, he shows that the Lucumí faith is neither fatalistic nor defeatist but healing and life affirming. He shares more than 40 patakís--stories stemming from the ancient Yoruba of West Africa--about the different spirits of osogbo, who like the orishas once walked the earth in human bodies. He explains the place of these spirits within the 256 odu of the...>>