Magick Matters

“Candle Magic: A Witch’s Guide to Spells and Rituals” by Lucya Starza (Pagan Portals)

"Candle magic is something almost everyone has tried, even as a child - who hasn’t made a wish over a birthday cake? Candle spells are among the easiest yet also the most effective to perform. They are perfect for anyone who wants to have a go at casting a spell for the first time and for the solitary witch with a busy life. Yet candles are also an important part of modern pagan witchcraft rituals. They are used to mark the quarters of the circle, placed on the altar and can represent the changing seasons of the year. This book is aimed at all who want to use candle magic, from beginners to those...>>

“Morbid Magic: Death Spirituality and Culture from Around the World” by Tomas Prower

"Written with a mix of reverence, approachability, and deadpan wit by a funeral industry insider, Morbid Magic is the first multi-cultural guide to death spirituality and traditions from all over the world and from different historical eras. Tomás Prower presents an impressive array of topics, including each culture's views on the hereafter, mourning periods, the deceased's legacy, handling of remains, and more. Discover the lore and magic of death, both on the physical and spiritual planes. Explore hands-on activities, spells, and prayers that will open your eyes to new practices. Experience personal stories and anecdotes by modern people from various regions and religions. This fascinating book makes death a more approachable topic and helps you...>>

Pop Magick: A Simple Guide to Bending Your Reality

“Alex Kazemi has his finger on the pulse of magick and all its wonders." —George Noory, Host of Coast to Coast AM “We live in dangerous times. We are all subject to unseen forces—social, technological, biological—that have programmed and conditioned us, like Pavlov's dogs, to behave without thinking. The way out of this maze is difficult. Pop Magick is an exciting and unconventional attempt to help us all deprogram, through methods culled from primal sources in magic and alchemy. This in the tradition of people like Gurdjieff and Colin Wilson, the tradition of trying to wake us up from our slumber. You have nothing to lose but your chains.” —Robert Greene “Alex Kazemi is a boy...>>

“The Art of Magick: The Mystery of Deep Magick & Divine Rituals” by Gabriyell Sarom (The Sacred Mystery Book 3)

"For thousands of years, mankind has been practicing magick under different denominations, traditions, and systems. However, in today’s world, magick seems to have been left behind, collecting dirt, buried in the dark corners of human history. This is no surprise. Fear, dogma, and disreputable arcane teachings appear to have assaulted it. But this is not authentic magick. Real magick is a beautiful system that stood untouched throughout the ages. It is a mystifying expedition into the exotic realms of the unknown, manifesting profound change within and without. Now, it’s time to illuminate it anew, leaving all of these lightless tenets behind once and for all. The magick presented in this book is vehemently pragmatic, unique, and...>>

“Learning Languages for Magic: A Handbook to the Study of Languages for the Occult Practitioner” by Patrick Dunn

"Fiction and art gives us the image of a magician bent over his or her books, puzzling out strange languages and incanting in dead tongues. There's some truth to that fictional image: real occult practitioners do study languages, read spells in Latin, puzzle out arcane hieroglyphs. This booklet is an enthusiastic encouragement to those occult practitioners who want to delve into the study of languages for their own magical work. Whether it's to have those Latin incantations roll off the tongue, or to read grimoires in German and French that have never been translated into English, or to swap techniques at the local magical bodega, the study of language can enrich a magician's life,...>>