Magick Matters

“Visualisation Workbook: Gateway to the Psyche” by Andrew Brown

"Take a voyage of discover into your own magical universe and subconscious through transforming visualization. You will learn how to truly relax and protect your magical space. In the realms of earth and water you will meet the elemental guardians who will share their powers. Upon a Shamanic journey you will meet your own Guardian Animal. By traversing the pathways of the Cabalistic Tree of Life you will meet angelic beings who will unlock your potential. In the final chapter you will learn how Effective visualization can create changes in the everyday world and promote healing."...>>

“Rituals of Black Magic: The art of manipulating reality to gain the eternal damnation” by Frater Orion and Sister Steva

"If you are unaware of the dark power that “Rituals of Black Magic” may unleash, stay away from this book. This is a collection and a presentation of the most vulgar misbelieves and errors regarding the darkest and most harmful magic arts. It contains rituals that no one should know, and even less try, that may lead to much trouble you couldn’t face. “Rituals of Black Magic” is an essay about the main types of black magic rituals over the centuries. It explains both the theoretical and the practical aspects, but we strongly suggest you stay away from its content and to not try the rituals you can find in it. Each of the chapters describes...>>

“Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism” by Richard Smoley

"The success of books such as Elaine Pagels's Gnostic Gospels and Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code proves beyond a doubt that there is a tremendous thirst today for finding the hidden truths of Christianity – truths that may have been lost or buried by institutional religion over the last two millennia. In Forbidden Faith, Richard Smoley narrates a popular history of one such truth, the ancient esoteric religion of gnosticism, which flourished between the first and fourth centuries A.D., but whose legacy remains even today, having survived secretly throughout the ages."...>>

“The Secret History of the Gnostics: Their Scriptures, Beliefs and Traditions” by Andrew Phillip Smith

"The Secret History of the Gnostics offers long-awaited illumination on the mystical movement that teaches 'gnosis' - knowledge of God as opposed to unquestioning faith. Acclaimed author Andrew Phillip Smith delves into the myths and practices of this ancient movement, exploring its popularity during 2nd century AD, its subsequent decline under the weight of orthodoxy in the Church, and its present-day resurgence. Gnosticism has travelled a fascinating path - from the Manichaeans in Modern Persia between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD, to the triumphs and tragedies of the Cathars in Southern Europe between the 12th and 14th centuries, to, finally, today's Mandaeans in Iraq. However, as the author points out, the revival of...>>

“Hell: A Guide” by Anthony DeStefano

"Anthony DeStefano, the bestselling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, takes us on an exploration of hell, the devil, demons, and evil itself. Written with clarity, logic, and vivid storytelling, Hell: A Guide takes up questions such as: Is hell a place or a state of being? What does hell look like? What kind of suffering do people in hell experience? What are the devil and demons really like? Rooted in solid, orthodox Christian scholarship, this one-of-a-kind book investigates everything there is to know about one of the most fascinating, yet often misunderstood, subjects of all time."...>>