“Modern Spirit Evocation: Working with Spirits trough to physical manifestation and material results” by Nathaniel Writes

"Traditional ceremonial magic teach us two things about spirit evocation: that Intelligences will not do for the magician anything that the operator cannot do by himself, and that their action is subordinated and conditioned to the capacity of the magus to evoke them up to physical manifestation.
Whilst these two statements are certainly true, they are an encrypted representation – an analogy – of a deeper truth; so are the traditional circle and triangle of the art and the common, additional, paraphernalia. Once we experience their deeper meaning, we no longer need a staged and symbolic depiction of a ceremony to operate successfully.
This book is aimed at advanced magicians and practitioners, regardless of their current or past successes with evocation. We will revisit the essence of the Art, how to summon a spirit to your presence, interact with the Intelligence, task It with a charge, and push It to manifest your command in your daily life and personal reality. You won’t need but a single tool for this – in the form of diligent dedication and the right knowledge, and maybe your daring to take yourself beyond your own boundaries.
This is a manual to ensure true interactions with any spirit (from the Goetia of the Lemegeton to Franz Bardon's Magical Evocation work), tutor step by step through a genuine trance that allows physical perceptions and visions, and safeguard factual results in our daily lives."

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