“The Love Magic Grimoire” by Nathaniel Writes

" There exists no true, serious and proper Love Magic treatise – until this book came along. Folklore compilations, wishful thinking wiccan and candle magic simplistic and romanced fictions can be found commonly, but their content is poor at best, and in all cases, never addresses the magical and hermetic nature of love, affection, attraction and lust, the ways and reasons of their existence, the spheres they originate from and how to activate them, on one self and others.
By all ways and means, they are utterly ineffective.
The author has spent two thirds of his life experientially researching the subject of love. The result of his lifelong journey are now reflected here, and the reader will be introduced to:
-The nature of Love, Affection, Attraction and Lust
– The Spheres at play in their manifestation
– The Sphere they originate from
– The (magical) workings allowing creation of karmic and affective links between beings
-The practical and magical applications of hermetic sexuality.
The first part of this book explores the concepts of the Hermetic reality of Love, Affection and their derivations. Part II introduces the reader into practical and effective manifestation of Love and Affection, and part III opens the door to ceremonial mastery.
Anybody seeking the mastery to manifest any kind of affection, may it be company for a night or for life, and those who want to ensure the complete and most authentic, meaningful manifestation of Love in their existing couple, should take advantage of this book."

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