“Creating Your Reality the Easy Way!: How to make a winning team with Magic Entities” by Lee Cain (Creating Magick with The Universal Laws of Attraction Book 2)

"This world is hostile, and I better watch my back.
If I can't see it, it doesn't exist.
I am always sick.
If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
I could never create a miracle.
Magic is wishful thinking.
Does any of that sound like you today?
To change all that, you don't need to swallow all this hook, line and sinker. You don't need to believe that Magic Entities are real. That will come after you see the results.
You don't need a lot of money, the right connections, or higher education. Isn’t that the way you’ve been doing it up to now?
You do need a burning desire to change your life. A wish-washy half-assed try just won't work. You can’t whine and complain about how rough life is, then do absolutely nothing to change your life.
You must be willing to wake up to new ways of living. Floating along in the same dream as everyone else obviously doesn’t work. It’s time to wake up! "

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