“Quantum Runes: How to Create Your Perfect Reality Using Quantum Physics and Teutonic Rune Magic” by Lee Cain (Creating Magick with The Universal Laws of Attraction Book 1)

"Quantum Runes: How to Create Your Perfect Reality Using Quantum Physics and Teutonic Rune Magic" by Lee Cain (Creating Magick with The Universal Laws of Attraction Book 1)

"I know this sounds like a bunch of hype you’ve all heard before! The Law of Attraction; just think it and it will come to you. You’ve all tried The Secret and got nothing, right?

You got nothing because you didn’t have a quality control system. You spread all your energies in so many different directions they simply faded away.

That quality control system is the ancient Runes. Combine the Law of Attraction, Quantum physics and this ancient quality control system together and you have a winning strategy for creating what you want in life."