“Slow Magic: Cultivate Lasting Transformation through Spellwork and Self-Growth” by Anthony Rella

"Slow Magic: Cultivate Lasting Transformation through Spellwork and Self-Growth" by Anthony Rella

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"You have the power and the magical prowess to create sustainable, positive change in your life. Long-term magic can make it happen.

Meaningful experiences don't come without commitment—you need slow magic for profound and enduring work. Featuring dozens of hands-on exercises and theoretical discussions of magic, this book supports you in making big changes without getting burned out.

Anthony Rella motivates you to persevere over days, months, and years; he provides many exercises and techniques that keep you engaged with your long-term goals regardless of what is happening in everyday life. He also helps you evaluate today's magical outcomes so you can make later workings better. This book is a valuable tool for building relationships with spiritual allies, deepening your dedication, and nurturing lifelong happiness."