“Pathways in Modern Western Magic” edited by Nevill Drury

"Pathways in Modern Western Magic" edited by Nevill Drury

"This exciting multi-authored volume provides a fascinating overview of the many different pathways that help define esoteric belief and practice in modern Western magic. Included here are chapters on the late 19th century Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the influential Thelemic doctrines of Aleister Crowley, and the different faces of the Universal Goddess in Wicca and the Pagan traditions. Also included are chapters on Neoshamanism in Europe and the United States—and an account of how these traditions have in turn influenced the rise of techno-shamanism in the West. Additional features of this collection include insider perspectives on Seidr oracles, hybridised Tantra, contemporary black magic, the Scandinavian Dragon Rouge and Chaos magic in Britain-as well as profiles of the magical artists Ithell Colquhoun, Austin Osman Spare and Rosaleen Norton.

Contributors: Nikki Bado – Jenny Blain – Nevill Drury – Dave Evans – Amy Hale – Phil Hine – Lynne Hume – Marguerite Johnson – Thomas Karlsson – James R. Lewis – Libuse Martínková – Robert J. Wallis – Don Webb – Dominique Beth Wilson – Andrei A. Znamenski"