“Numerology: The Complete Guide” by Matthew Oliver Goodwin

"Numerology, the simplest of the occult sciences to master, offers deep insights into the personality. You can use numerology to understand yourself, friends, associates and lovers. You can see the dynamics of relationships and you can determine the best time to marry, change jobs, invest and travel.
Here is the definitive work on numerology. Organized for clarity that a beginner can grasp easily and detailed so that the advanced student will find useful new information. This two-volume set is designed as a working manual. Among its features are many examples, detailed working charts containing all the information needed, and some new material on the meanings of the Master Numbers and Doubled Numbers.
Special features of Volume I: The Personality Reading
* Explanations of the four major "core" elements and the modifiers of the reading, and their relative importance
* A complete special reference chart section—a unique, preassembled format which presents all the information you need quickly and easily, making memorization unnecessary
* Complete sample character readings with step-by-step guidelines
* Illustrations of how to resolve the conflicts and ambiguities present in any character reading
Special features of Volume II: Advanced Personality Analysis and Reading the Past, Present and Future
* Complete sample advanced readings with step-by-step guidelines
* Explanations of short-term and long-term time cycles and their relative importance
* A complete special reference chart section—a unique, preassembled format which presents all the information you need quickly and easily, making memorization unnecessary
* Progressed Readings with step-by-step guidelines
* Illustrations of how to resolve the conflicts and ambiguities present in any Progressed Reading
* A new simple graphic method for pinpointing dates and significant life changes"

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