“How to Talk to Spirits: Séances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts” by June Ahern

"How dead are the "dead" if we can talk to them? While skeptics deny spirit communication can happen, the public is eager to know more about the subject. How to Talk With Spirits: Séances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts is an informative and practical book as it addresses a sensitive and controversial subject. It effectively explores the possibilities of communicating with the dead in safe and healing ways.
Learn how to conduct a séance, understand how mediums relate spirit communication, take safe and successful ghost hunts, and avoid vampire entities. Read about the author's most memorable ghost encounters, and hauntings by murder victims. Test your own psychic abilities with the author's ESP Quiz. By the end of the book you will decide if you want to or can communicate with the dead or leave well enough alone."

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