“The Writer’s Guide to Character Expression: Enhance Any Story With Realistic Emotional Responses and Facial Expressions” by S.A. Soule (Fiction Writing Tools, older 2016 edition)

"Learn to Improve Emotional Descriptions, Create Believable Settings, and Craft Powerful Descriptive Writing.
This guidebook is a companion to the first volume in the Fiction Writing Tools series, The Writer's Guide to Character Emotion on descriptive writing and expands on this vast topic. Within this in-depth guide are practical tools on how to apply descriptive writing to create realistic settings, visceral responses, and lifelike characters.
Included are lists and advice on:
Setting Descriptors
Character Personality Traits
Descriptive Writing
Authentic Facial Expressions
Expression/Emotion Thesaurus
Characterization & Voice
No matter what genre you write, this resource of endless inspiration on writing powerful descriptions should be kept as a vital reference in every writer’s toolbox, and will instantly help fiction writers to improve their craft.
Are you ready to start instantly improving your writing skills today?"

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