“The Black Ship” by Malphas (2nd edition 2012)
"Part grimoire and part manifesto, The Black Ship presents the vision of the Pandemonium Mandala, teaches the lore of the emergent Daemonic race and is the blueprint for a culture based on Left-Hand Path principles. It begins with such basics as the invocation of the personal Daemon and new ways of consecrating working tools and personal space before exploring work with Ancestral spirits, the Mysteries of the Lesser and Greater Sabbats, the Sacrament of the Royal Blood of Chaos and the techniques of Transmogrification. It then explores the Daemonic rationale underlying new conceptions of politics, law and the evolutionary implications of space migration. Finally, The Black Ship concludes with a Chaosmological vision of this universe that both relates to and differs from ancient Gnostic teachings, with some new elements that may surprise. New edition with illustrations by Hagen von Tulien."
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