“The Everything Vampire Book: From Vlad the Impaler to the Vampire Lestat — A History of Vampires in Literature, Film, and Legend” by Barb Karg, Arjean Spaite and Rick Sutherland

"An affordable, accessible companion to vampire literature, films, and TV
Vampire communities are flourishing on the Internet—a simple "vampire societies" search on Google yields over 580,000 results. Who can resist these erotic, exotic creatures of the night? And who wants to? In The Everything® Vampire Book, readers unearth all the secrets of this beautiful, terrible underworld, including:
• How vampires live, hunt, and endure
• Why they refuse to die
• How to destroy a vampire—from holy water to decapitation
• The best—and worst—vampire books, TV shows, and films
• What constitutes the “vampire lifestyle” and blood fetish practices
• All the incarnations of vampires—from the Greek Lamia to the Indian Churel
• Real-life encounters with vampires
Vampire aficionados will enjoy sinking their teeth into the notorious history and bewitching tales in The Everything® Vampire Book!"

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