“Elder Futhark Bindrunes: A Beginners Guide to Creating Bindrunes + Manifesting & Intention-Setting with Purpose” by J.C. Marco

"Elder Futhark Bindrunes: A Beginners Guide to Creating Bindrunes + Manifesting & Intention-Setting with Purpose" by J.C. Marco

"Do you want to manifest the life you truly desire? Are you looking for better ways to set your intentions and speak to the universe about what you want?

Elder Futhark Bindrunes is the beginners guide to creating powerful amulets and talismans using the ancient runic language to set your desires in motion for the universe to listen and respond.

The Elder Futhark runes are popular in todays society, and you can learn how to combine the power of multiple runes into immensely powerful symbols to help you manifest abundance and prosperity into your life.

Everything that you want in life is waiting for you to ask for it! The universe is listening, so let's make a cosmic phone call, shall we?"