“Nordic Magick: Ancient Spells, Hexes & Magick for the Modern Witch” by Susanna Krizo

"Nordic Magick: Ancient Spells, Hexes & Magick for the Modern Witch is based on the works of Elias Lönnrot, Suomen Kansan Muinaisia Loitsurunoja (“The Finnish People’s Ancient Spell Poems”), published in 1880; and Kaarle Krohn, Suomalaisten Runojen Uskonto (“The Religion Behind Finnish Poems”), published in 1914.
This book contains 108 modernized Finnish versions of ancient spells and hexes, 168 English translations of ancient spells, hexes and magick, and 78 history and mythology entries: 5 Preparation Spells, 13 Hexes, 10 Incantations, 3 Divinations (spells), 8 Spells Against Pain, 11 Spells for Healing, 7 Love Spells, 21 Spells for the Home, 11 Enchantments & Words of Origin, 16 Birth Words, 6 General Magick, 3 Divinations (magick), 5 Seeing Spirits, 6 Magick for the Home, 6 Nature Magick, 10 Gaining People, 6 Obtaining Nature, 19 New Spells & Magick, 56 The Spell Book (history), 22 Mythology."

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