“Knowledge of the Heart: Gnostic Secrets of Inner Wisdom” by June Singer”

"Knowledge of the Heart is based on one of the most exciting religious literary discoveries of our time — the finding in 1945 of 52 ancient books containing the Gnostic Gospels at nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. The Gnostics were an early Christian sect who believed that God can be accessed only through gnosis, the kind of knowledge or inner wisdom which streams from a wellspring within each individual.
Best-selling author, scholar and psychologist, June Singer, gives and illuminating introduction to the Gnostic tradition, and presents exerpts from the Gospels, offering them as a focus for meditation or worship. These extracts are arranged in sections attuned to the eight monastic periods (or hours) of prayer and each is followed by a personal contemplation by the author.
This beautifully designed book is filled with practical and powerful ideas of particular relevance for our own time, while expressing the timeless longing of the human soul for an explanation of mysteries of good and evil."

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