“Behind the Veil: The Complete Guide to Conscious Sleep” by Daniel Allen Kelley

"In this mind-bending book you’ll learn the complete art of Conscious Sleep. Unlike many books on the subject, Behind the Veil covers everything from Vivid, Lucid, and Pellucid Dreaming; Out-of-Body Experiences; Astral Projection; Energy Work; and much more. You’ll learn: • To cultivate Vivid, Lucid, Pellucid, and Astral skills. • Meditation methods to enhance Lucidity while in the dream state. • How to uncover and refine your “dream language” to decode messages from your subconscious mind. • How to format and maintain a thorough and accurate Dream Journal. • How ancient Taoist methods can help you cultivate Dream Control and Out-of-Body Experiences. • A critical and candid discussion of so-called “entity” encounters."...>>

“Explorations in Consciousness: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences” by Frederick Aardema

"In Explorations in Consciousness, Frederick Aardema, a clinical researcher, provides a profound account of the out-of-body experience, covering some of the most mystifying aspects of this experience. Throughout the book, the author seamlessly weaves in his own travels into different fields of consciousness, including experiences in the personal field, where he is confronted with the constructs of his own psyche, as well as visitations to collective and archetypal fields of consciousness that appear to have an independent existence beyond the eye of the beholder. Highly original and groundbreaking, Explorations in Consciousness presents a model of reality in which nothing can ever be taken for granted. It proposes that consciousness is embedded within a wider...>>