“The Magickal Mindset” by Charles Mage

"According to an ancient teaching: "The All is Mind; the universe is Mental." Only a few are able to fully comprehend what this means. It is undeniable that when it comes to the arts magickal, the mind is off utmost importance -- to be more specific, it is the quality of your mind, such as the thoughts that exist in your mental sphere. If you ever want to succeed as a true magician/witch, then you must have the right magickal mindset. But, what is this magickal mindset? How do you gain or or at least train your mind to think magically? Indeed, all magick come from the mind. If you train your mind magically,...>>

“Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket!” by Charles Mage

"Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket! is a magical manual that will teach you how to cast powerful spells and work your magick anywhere, even from inside your pocket. This will allow you to live a magical life absolutely anywhere, even in public. Indeed, there are skillful magicians and witches out there who cast their mighty spells and complete their rituals with their fingers inside their pocket. For years, many aspiring students of the occult arts searched for this knowledge but only ended in vain. Now is the time for you to finally unveil the very secrets of this ancient practice that is usually revealed only...>>

“Vampirism Magick for Beginners” by Charles Mage

"Vampirism Magick is not a new system or form of magick. It has been practiced by various practitioners of the magickal arts since ancient times. You do not even need to be a vampire to do it. This makes it an interesting subject to any practitioner of the Craft. After all, there is a great deal of power that this ancient knowledge and practice can give to anyone who knows how to harness the magic of the so-called vampires. Again, even if you are not a vampire, you can learn important teachings from this magickal scroll. And, if you are a vampire, or if you are intending to become one, then this shall be...>>

“The Magick of the Zenina Circle” by Charles Mage

"The Magick of the Zenina Circle is a magical manual that reveals the secret magical practices and rituals of the Zenina witches. The Zenina Circle is a group of powerful female witches who work their magick in the world. Their members are scattered in different countries and are truly devoted and active in their magical practice. It is said that the Zenina Circle works with their magick in order to save the world from doom as caused by the "modern" society. For centuries, the magical workings of the Zenina witches have been hidden in strict secrecy and revealed only to a few and chosen initiates and members of the coven. With the permission of...>>

“Dowsing Without Tools” by Charles Mage

"Dowsing Without Tools is an occult manual that will teach you how to effectively dowse without using a pendulum or any other tools. Magical practitioners have been dowsing for answers for centuries. It is an old-time practice that has been revealed only to a few and chosen initiates. What is more, only a few learn how to dowse without the use of any tools. Indeed, learning how to dowse without tools is an invaluable skill that would serve a magical practitioner with many uses and benefits. Just imagine all the wonderful things you can do once you can dowse for answers at any time and anywhere. "...>>