Magick Matters

“Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics, and Magicians” by Christopher McIntosh

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "An exploration of German esoteric history from prehistory to the present • Examines the survival and revival of the old pre-Christian gods, investigates prehistoric sacred sites, and reveals ancient shamanic traditions • Looks at Rosicrucianism and the distinctive Germanic forms of astrology, alchemy, and the Kabbalah • Discusses German poets, philosophers, and mystics, such as Dr. Johann Faust, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and Jakob Boehme No country is richer in occult and esoteric traditions than Germany. In this magical journey through the inner history of Deutschland, Christopher McIntosh explores many of these traditions from prehistory to the 21st century. Recounting the longstanding magical tradition of Germany, McIntosh investigates the numerous prehistoric sacred sites that...>>

“The Ritual Effect: From Habit to Ritual, Harness the Surprising Power of Everyday Actions” by Michael Norton

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "In the bestselling tradition of Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit and Angela Duckworth’s Grit, a renowned social psychologist demonstrates the power of small acts—and how a subtle turning of habits into rituals can add purpose and pleasure to life. Our lives are filled with repetitive tasks meant to keep us on track—what we come to know as habits. Over time, these routines (for example, brushing your teeth or putting on your right sock first) tend to be performed automatically. But when we’re more mindful about these actions—when we focus on the precise way they are performed—they can instead become rituals. Shifting from a "habitual" mindset to a "ritual" mindset can convert ordinary acts...>>

“Astrology of the Shadow Self: Working with Oppositions in Your Natal Chart” by Maja D’Aoust

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "A guide to discovering the shadow wisdom hidden in your birth chart • Explains how to determine your shadow planets and zodiac signs through the oppositions of your birth chart • Details the meaning and challenges of each shadow counterpart for every astrological sign and planet that appears in a traditional astrological chart • Looks at the alchemical nature of the dark side of the human mind and shadow-work methods for bringing the oppositional self into personal awareness Recently rediscovered by modern psychology, the shadow self was recognized in ancient teachings as an inseparable part of the human being, a vital portion of who we are. The ancient Egyptians regarded working with the shadow as a necessary...>>

“Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations” by Jim Willis

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). Why do so many report uncannily similar experiences? What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about the possibility of an afterlife? An illuminating and thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic territory where science, spirituality, and human consciousness converge, Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations presents a comprehensive journey through different interpretations of NDEs: The Scientific. What neuroscience, medicine, and biology have to say about what happens at the brink of death. The Religious. What NDE-like experiences found in the...>>

“Weather Magic: Witchery, Science, Lore” by Debra L. Burris

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "Harness Powerful Energy From Weather Right Outside Your Door Why does the wind blow, how do clouds form, and what can the science and lore behind these occurrences teach you about magic? Physicist and witch Debra L. Burris explores the synergy of science and sorcery, helping you take simple steps to cast more powerful magic in rain or shine. With guidance and insights for practitioners of all skill levels, Debra provides nearly fifty spells, exercises, and crafts to enliven your practice. Learn protection methods for your home and family, cloud divination techniques, and sigil work using weather map symbols. Connect with your climate through an icicle spell, a fog ancestor meditation, thunderstorm water scrying, and...>>