Magick Matters

“Shadow Men: An Encyclopedia of Mind Control” by Anthony Napoleon

"Psychological operations (PSYOPs) are the preferred method by which shadow men socially engineer the masses' consent on a myriad of important issues. The author provides numerous examples of how social engineers have modified the public's perceptions and attitudes about America's founders, slavery, financial markets, dating and mating customs, self-perception, and a laundry list of other matters people have no idea were socially engineered. The reader will become expert on the character of the men who work in the shadows whose sole reason for living is to control others in service to accumulating wealth and power, of which, they never, ever, have enough. The reader is provided a step-by-step program that promises to strip away...>>

“The Sword & the Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe” by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips

"This highly regarded text is a cornerstone among ceremonial magicians and occultists worldwide. The Sword & the Serpent expounds upon the principles of ceremonial magic and its relationship to the teachings of Qabalah. This volume, the second volume of The Magical Philosophy Series, presents the external Qabalistic universe and the internal Qabalistic universe; together, the two-fold universe―that which surrounds us, and the universe of the psyche within. It is the ultimate integration of the outer world and inner world that is the Great Work and purpose of High Magic. The essential structures of outer and inner worlds are here conceived of in parallel terms, seen through one common comprehensive framework, and their integration is thus...>>

“Practical Guide To Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura” by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips

"Deliberate psychic attack is very rare. However, your psyche is constantly under attack from friends and strangers, advertisers and politicians who want to manipulate you. Luckily, there is a solution―Denning and Phillips' Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense. The best way to overcome attacks on your psyche is through awareness that they are occurring. This requires you to become more awake and alert to this bombardment. Part of the technique is to understand how this attempted manipulation works. By studying this book you will gain that knowledge. The result is that the psychological intimidation that has been used on you in the past will no longer control you. There are two types of psychic attack. The first...>>

“Planetary Magick: A Complete System for Knowledge and Attainment” by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips

"If you want more magical information about the planets, this book is for you. For each planet the book includes over sixty-five correspondences, including such things as colors, symbols, elements, music, trees, herbs, incenses, deities from several pantheons, and many, many more. You can use this information to enhance any type of magick you do. All you need to know is the planet your magick is associated with -- and you'll even learn how to determine that from this book. You'll even find the appropriate wine for rituals performed with a planetary energy! Denning and Phillips, heads of the well-regarded magical order, the Aurum Solis, tell you how to prepare to do magick. This includes...>>

“Magical States of Consciousness: Pathworking on the Tree of Life” by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips (alternate rip)

"Pathworking is one of the most powerful techniques employed in the practical Qabalah, the core of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Llewellyn is pleased to bring back—by popular demand—Magical States of Consciousness, the classic text by renowned magicians Osborne Phillips and the late Melita Denning that first made the practice of pathworking widely available. Revealed here are the methods by which deep dimensions of the human psyche may be reached—dimensions that give you access to profound knowledge and the power of creation. Ascend the Tree of Life to enter the Sphere of Tiphareth, the seat of the Higher Self. Train your mind and imagination, enhance your physical and emotional health, gain knowledge and spiritual initiation, experience...>>