Magick Matters

“True Tarot Card Meanings: Learn the Secrets of Professional Readers” by Andrea Green

"Imagine if you had the opportunity to learn from the best tarot readers worldwide. As Andrea Green I have had the good fortune to have done just that! Over a number of years I have immersed myself in that very world! Discover the one weird trick that will mean that you never get stuck on reading a card! Learn the Top Six Cards that May Show a Cheat! I reveal the Top Ten Relationship Cards to look out for in any Reading. I also show you my own secret trick for knowing if a Court Card is a real person in your life, a part of a situation you are in, or a part of yourself that you...>>

“Luminarium: A Grimoire of Cunning Conjuration” by BJ Swain

"A streamlined, practice-focused text on conjuration. This is a 0 to 60mph, level up your work, hit the ground running approach to spirit conjuration. The core idea is using magical approaches to facilitate and improve your access to magic. This text combines elements of the Greek Magical Papyri, the Hygromanteia, the Heptameron and Orphism to create a more holistic approach to conjuring angels and aerial spirits. You can use these spirits for either knowledge or practical purposes. The method is easily adapted to demons. With this text you will gain the benefits of traditional ancient magical sources and the ease of contemporary spirit relationship approaches to magic. To prepare you, the text draws on...>>

“The Power of Digital Amulets – for Success & Protection” by John Shropshire

"The Power of Digital Amulets" transforms biblical golden amulets from the Holy Land, into powerful and digital good luck Charms and protective tools. These can then be easily downloaded to any mobile device, desktop or laptop and be carried by its owner to any place, at any time to protect him. The e-Book provides digitized ancient amulets in five powerful categories: •Career & Business Protection •Family & House Protection •Health & Personal Protection •Love & Relationship Protection •Mother & Child Protection"...>>

“Money Magic: Powerful Spells for Wealth and Prosperity” by Caitlin MacKenna

"Everybody needs money. Even the “spiritual” types who claim to be above mundane matters can't sponge off their friends and relatives forever. Money magic works, but money will seldom fall from the sky into the s[ellcaster's hand. The money usually comes through some ordinary, though possibly unexpected means. This book includes job spells, business success spells, spells to banish debts, and spells to collect debts. There is even a spell to find money. Some of the spells enlist the aid of powerful spirits to help you achieve money and wealth. This book also includes instructions for using divination to predict winners and win lotteries. Just about every way to use magic to make money...>>