Magick Matters

“Dreams: Interpretations, Hidden Meanings, Symbols” by Alison Davies

"Dreams are a window into the subconscious. We all spend an average of two hours per night dreaming and often these dreams are muddled without a clear meaning and making little sense. From flying through the sky to teeth falling out, or standing naked at the front of the classroom, Dreams is the ultimate directory to decoding your night-time adventures and unlocking the secrets of your mind. In the pages of this book you'll learn how to decipher the symbols, understand the deeper meanings behind common dreams and learn that nightmares can turn out to be hidden gems in the war against fear. Using the thematic guide in this book, you'll...>>

“A Strange Story” by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

"'A Strange Story' is an extraordinary testament to the belief in and fascination with the Occult and spiritualism that was prevalent in nineteenth century society, and reflects Bulwer Lytton's own particular views. The young hero, Doctor Allen Fenwick, is utterly unable to counteract the malign influence of the sinister mesmerist Margrave over his beloved, the mystical Lilian, by scientific methods - will this lead him to put aside his rationalist creed and embrace the notion of a world beyond our own?"...>>

“Cat Magick: Summoning the Spirit of Bast through Sigil Magick” by Anousen Leonte

"This is a small manual on evoking the Spirit Bast or Bastet according to some of the methods outlined in my other work, Evocation Through Sigil Magick. Bast is an ancient Egyptian Goddess known as the "Cat Goddess", as she was commonly represented as having the head of a cat and was the patron of cats. Here I give sixteen sigils for Bast, fourteen of which correspond to Bast as manifested through one of the Seven Hermetic Planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), and two of which are sigils for Bast as a totality."...>>