“The Journey Within: Healing Our Hearts and Minds Through a Course In Miracles” by Sonia Ross

"The Journey Within: Healing Our Hearts and Minds Through a Course In Miracles" by Sonia Ross

"The Journey Within is a spiritual guidebook in which author, Sonia Ross, shares her insights and inspirations from A Course In Miracles and how we can apply the principles in our lives to help us choose joy and love instead of pain and suffering.

There are no big or small healing opportunities. All are the same regardless of the situation that appeared to trigger the healing opportunity. You may need healing after losing faith in a friendship or after having something taken from you. Regardless, it is not about the individual situation, it is about the disruption we feel within and the call for healing.

Healing reconnects us to God consciousness, with the Holy Spirit and the indwelling presence. The healed mind naturally expresses love and compassion. It is an automatic response not one directed by thought or the ego. This experience of love through the healed mind inspires us and rises from a place deep within us.

When we look at the world through the healed mind we experience the miracle!"