“How To Develop Your ESP” by Susy Smith

"How To Develop Your ESP" by Susy Smith

"Susy Smith wrote How to Develop Your ESP many years before she founded the Survival Research Foundation and also the Susy Smith Project at the Unviersity of Arizona which is now recognized as the center of Afterlife Codes research. It tells a lot more than just how to try to learn techniques of using telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition, for it also wants to help those who desire to learn to communicate with beloved friends and relatives who have passed on. Many aspects of the psychical field, such as healing, celebrity seances, psychic surgeons, possession, and physical phenomena are discussed here, with fascinating case histories throughout. Reading about how others have advanced their abilities, as well as the problems and experiences they have had, is informing and entertaining even for those who have no desire to personally work on their own ESP development."