“The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and The Witches’ Qabalah” by Christopher Penczak (ebook version)

"The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and The Witches' Qabalah" by Christopher Penczak (ebook version)

"Take your spiritual evolution to the next level by mastering the essentials of ceremonial magick. In this much-anticipated fourth volume in Christopher Penczak's award-winning series on witchcraft, he introduces the concepts of the Qabalah and the rituals of high magick, and explores the deeply interwoven relationship between these traditions and the Craft.

The teachings in this book correspond to the element of Air, guiding you into the realm of creative and critical thinking, communication, knowledge, and truth. Four preliminary chapters introduce the basic concepts, history, and skills you will need for your journey. Next, twelve formal lessons, in the witches' traditional year-and-a-day format, provide instruction in the fundamentals of ceremonial magic"