“The Mass of the Antichrist: A Liturgical Ritual” by S. Jason Black and Nicholas Tharcher (MP3 320kbps)

"A spoken and musical performance for meditation, visualization and instruction in Goetic Magia, accompanied by an interview with the author who is one of the foremost authorities on Psychic Phenomena and Black Magick. All this in a set of two Compact Disks.
The Liturgy has been performed by Mr. Black both in solitude and group settings for more than eight years—it is drawn primarily from traditional sources: the exit of the Latin Mass, the Book of Revelation, the Enochiana of Dr. John Dee, the Grimoire of Honorius, etc.
This is a unique production that belongs in the collection of all serious magicians.
The first CD contains:
1. Introduction (with music by Zehm Aloim)
2. Conjurations of the Kings
3. The 7th Key of John Dee
4. Babalon
5. Key of the 30 Aethys (John Dee)
6. Offering
7. Closing (with music by Zehm Aloim)
The second CD contains:
1. An interview with S. Jason Black (interviewed by Nicholas Tharcher)"

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