“Gothic Grimoire” by Konstantinos (kindle ebook version)

"As the rest of the world goes to sleep, the nightkind―those who prefer to explore the mysteries of the night―prepare for their rites. Whether you are new to the practice of nocturnal magick, or a seasoned dark mystic, this companion to the popular Nocturnal Witchcraft is sure to bring new levels of power to your nights.
Expand your connection to the dark ether and the unseen world with this collection of techniques and rituals taken directly from the author's personal magickal notebooks. Explore the Nocturnicon―a collection of rites designed to overcom the unique obstacles that appear in the life of the nightkind.
Commune with the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Night with nocturnal rituals for the sabbats. Examine advanced astral workings, including astral travel, working with thoughtforms, and banishing unwanted energies and entities. Connect with the positive side of the darkness within and without as you learn.
Not for the meek, the magick you'll encounter in these pages will help you transform yourself, and change the way you perceive reality from this night forward."

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