“The Exorcist’s Handbook” by Josephine McCarthy (3rd edition)

"The Exorcist’s Handbook is a rare peek into practicalities of occult exorcism written by Josephine McCarthy, one of the worlds leading occult exorcists. The subject matter is approached in a clear, practical, and humorous way, and leads the serious occultist through the issues, concepts, approaches, and tools necessary for such endeavours.
Unfettered by religious dogma, The Exorcist’s Handbook cuts through the fog of confusion that abounds in such a difficult and complex subject and gets straight to the nuts and bolts of such thorny issues as parasites, the removal of curses, death work, and the types of beings that an exorcist may encounter. The Exorcist’s Handbook also delves into issues such as self-protection, self-maintenance, and keeping energetically clean.
Written upon her retirement from active exorcist work, the author gives the reader a strong insight into strange and complex world of spiritual service, of the personal sacrifices an occult exorcist must make, and of the dark humour that inevitably comes from working in one of the more obscure and challenging aspects of occultism.
Josephine McCarthy is one of the world’s leading magical adepts and is author of over twenty books on magic and occultism."

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