“Witch Wars” by Dawn Flowers

"Witch Wars" by Dawn Flowers

"Witch Wars is a wonderful book for anyone looking for defensive or offensive Magical methods to aid them in their spiritual workings. This gem of a book contains ceremonies, rituals, and spells to help with cleansings, protection, banishings, bindings, curses, and more, helping ensure that you always come out on the winning side of a Witch War! This ingenious book will make a wonderful addition to any occult library. In her years of research, Dawn Flowers, became aware of a notion, Witch wars, which seemed common in the occult communities, yet seldom addressed in the open, and in print. Witch Wars addresses metaphysical battles in full detail, and provides options for those looking for cleansings and protection, and proactive options including evasive, and invasive maneuvers in their spiritual workings."