“It’s A Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside” by Richard Martini

"It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures in the Flipside" by Richard Martini

"It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Further Adventures into the Flipside takes a quantum leap forward into the afterlife, includes interviews with scientists discussing the source of consciousness, comparing near death experiences (NDE) with between life sessions (LBL), and includes interviews with people who claim to be speaking from the afterlife. There are a new between life sessions with astounding claims of contact with the afterlife, with experiencing God and understanding life's journey.

Volume One includes a Foreword by Charles Grodin, interviews with scientists dealing with consciousness outside the brain; Mario Beauregard Neuroscientist (Brain Wars) Dr. Bruce Greyson, the father of NDE research, the research of Dr. Helen Wambach along with that of Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls). It includes interviews with near death experiencers David Bennett (Voyage of Purpose), Jeremy Kagan, Dr. Rajiv Parti and Jeffry Martini. Book interviews Newton trained hypnotherapist Scott De Tamble, compares accounts of Dr. Eben Alexander (Proof of Heaven) and Colton Burpo (Heaven is for Real).

Volume Two includes interviews with Gary Schwartz PhD (Sacred Promise) Chaplain Savarna Wiley, Michael Newton Institute President Peter Smith, and a number of accounts of people having direct contact with people in the afterlife who are no longer on the planet. Also transcripts of between-life sessions, including those that examine previous near death experiences.

The author explores his own unconventional journey to this research, and includes a between life session of his own in both volumes. Interspersed throughout are transcripts of between life sessions with some very unusual folks who have clear memories not only of their previous lives, but of the between lives realm where they claim to have chosen their current lifetime.

Extensively researched, breathtaking in scope, It's a Wonderful Afterlife takes the reader on a wild ride, across the yellow brick road, into the Great Beyond."