“Lozzy’s Lenormand Love & Relationship Readings” by Lozzy Phillips (2nd edition)

"Understanding Lenormand card meanings and being able to apply them to particular contexts is a key skill of any aspiring Lenormand card reader.
In this reference guide, extensively updated from the first edition in 2019, I place the focus again on Lenormand card meanings for Love & Relationship contexts, as well as recapping basic Lenormand card meanings and step-by-step layouts. Also includes card meaning exercises along with downloadable worksheets, plus practice Love & Relationship readings to help readers practice their skills and & check their Lenormand knowledge
Tips and suggestions on reading about love
Recap of general card meanings & card layout instructions
Focus on Lenormand love & relationship card meanings AND Combinations
Looking For Love In a Grand Tableau
Special love layouts
Card meaning practice exercises
17 practice Love readings

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