“Evil Spirits and Their Influence on People” by Hegumen Mark

"This translation of a book on evil spirits and on their influence contains an extensive research on the subject matter made by Hegumen Mark, a XIX century Eastern Orthodox priest and exorcist of Symon Monastery in Moscow. The author thoroughly examines the subject of evil spirits and their satanic kingdom in the light of Scriptures, ancient Christian tradition and also his own personal experiences as exorcist. A great number of quotes from ancient Christian saints, as well as stories from their lives, are used to support the author's narrative and to make the main point — the evil spirits can be defeated and their influence on one's life can effectively be nullified. To that end, the author lists and reviews the known weapons of spiritual warfare to be used by those, who wish to break free from their bondage and slavery to the devil.
Certainly, the subject discussed there is so vast that one book, no matter how long, would hardly be enough to exhaust it, and this book doesn't claim to do so. In fact, it barely even scratches the surface. However, it is a very good starting point, as it covers the bases by providing essential concepts and notions, at the same time giving a solid foundation on how to approach any further research, should this become necessary."

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