“Basic Magical Handbook: Handbook of Fundamental Magical Proceedings” by Ash L’har

"New updated version just published. I've added even more material to increase the value and power of this magical handbook, or basic guide for magic studies.
This straightforward reference for the student of magic contains most of the common procedures needed to build a strong, working practice. From daily training exercises to formal operations in planetary magic, this work is ideal for the temple space and yet deliberately simple enough to browse while riding the bus. It is literally the only handbook for magic studies of its kind and the only magical reference you will ever need to perform basic to intermediate, practical magic as well as essential, esoteric magical operations.
One word of caution is in order, in the name of transparency. This magical handbook is intended for the practicing user of magic, that is for an individual who is willing to work, study, refine, and improve in the art by actively using magic in day-to-day life. It may be of little use to the armchair magician who has no intertest in actually studying and applying what is learned.
Wicca, Thelema, Kabbalah, whatever your tradition of ritual magic or folk magic, the Basic Magical Handbook has something to offer. Every one of the exercises, formulae, and rituals is easily imported into the system or tradition of your choosing.
Best of all, the methods and magic in this handbook are tested and proven to be effective. The goal here was simple enough: cut through the pretentious crap so many modern magic books contain and provide the reader with cut-to-the-bone simplicity to help get results as quickly as possible.
This is not another Golden Dawn copy & paste rehash, and yet there is enough common ground between the contents of the Handbook and traditional Golden Dawn systems to satisfy readers who insist on staying close to those guidelines. For seekers who want different options, these too are given.
Essential lore and "magic theory" are covered to clarify the concepts within and assist the newcomer to magic. The explanations and the ritual work are kept as simple as possible, no filler and very little fluff.
Here is just some of what is included:
– easy exercises for grounding and centering
– simple method to align the etheric and physical bodies
– methods for enhancing your aura and auric shield
– words of power for many magical purposes
– Eastern mantras and mudras cherry-picked for the student of magic
– how to make a special charm bag to enhance your magical abilities
– ritual for calling your four personal elementals
– ritual for connecting with your three primary zodiac angels
– alternate pentagram ritual to be used instead of standard lesser banishing form
– how to summon planetary forces using the six-armed cross or "world tree"
– exercises for projecting and pulling in different energy currents
– very simple process for astral vision, astral projection, and astral travel
– simple breakdown of how to work through the causal plane and manifest what you desire
– procedure for creating your own map of magical correspondences
– pages for notes and sketches
– a large journal section (over 100 pages) for recording your studies and progress
There's quite a bit more as well. Material is broken into 5 sections for ease of reference. The notes and journal addition make this handbook a working book of shadows as well as a practical guide."

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