“The Scole Report: An account of an investigation into the Genuineness of a range of Physical Phenomena associated with a Mediumistic Group in Norfolk, England” by Montague Keen, Arthur Ellison and David Fontana

"In 1992 Robin Foy established a small home circle in the cellar of his home near Diss in Norfolk. By the end of August 1994, the development of physical phenomena had progressed dramatically and Foy and his wife Sandra dedicated themselves to what, according to their spirit advisers, was to become the centre for the development of a new type of spirit energy without the traditional ectoplasmic extrusions.
In the winter of 1994 the existence of the Group came to the attention of the Society for Psychical Research. This report is the outcome of a two year investigation of the Group. It has been conducted principally by three senior members of the Society for Psychical Research — the authors of this report.
The authors' diverse professional backgrounds of psychology, electrical engineering, agricultural administration/farming together with their many years of investigation of paranormal phenomena and the fact that most of the events described were experienced or witnessed simultaneously by at least three seasoned investigators improves the probability of authenticity.
In the course of over 20 sittings, from 1995 to 1997, the investigators, together with other occasional researchers/sitters, were unable to detect any direct indication of fraud or deception, and encountered evidence favouring the hypothesis of intelligent forces, whether originating in the human psyche or from discarnate sources, able to influence material objects, and to convey associated meaningful messages, both visual and aural.
Alan Murdie in his Preface to this new edition writes that The Scole Report is a valuable document for the wider study of alleged cases of spontaneous physical phenomena. The hope of psychical researchers is that analysis of cumulative data will yield deeper understanding of the factors at work, and The Scole Report provides potentially significant data both for the assessment of earlier cases, and for any cases that may arise in the future."

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