“Namarupa: The Magic of Tantra Mantra” by Phillip Hurley and Leigh Hurley

"Namarupa is an initiation into mantra yoga, complete with detailed Sanskrit pronunciation, alphabet and calligraphy guides. All mantras are presented in Devanagari script with English transliteration for easy reference.
Written from the perspective of the tantric sadhaka (practitioner), Namarupa presents the esoteric meanings and uses of the mantras and alphabet; and discusses mantra sadhana both as classically practiced and updated for modern life.
Of special interest are detailed Tantric mantric techniques for raising kundalini, previously available only to initiates. Namarupa: the Magic of Tantra Mantra includes:
* Sanskrit letter portraits
* Sanskrit quick reference tables and pronunciation guide
* How to initiate a mantra
* Japa, pranayama, and modes of chanting
* Detailed discussion of bija mantras
* Rectification of mantras
* Timing and mantra
* Deity, planetary, directional, and general mantras
* Mantra cycles for working with the five elements and raising kundalini
* Likhita japa and calligraphy guides"

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