“Shape Power: A Treatise on How Form Converts Universal Aether into Electromagnetic and Gravitic Forces and Related Discoveries in Gravitational Physics” by Dan A. Davidson (1997 edition)

"This book is the result of 35 years of personally funded research into finding how shapes and different materials convert universal aether into other forces and energies. Dan has broken the code on how the process works; how nature manifests from the virtual particle soup of the aether into matter. Dan has also defined a unified field theory which puts all this into perspective, complete with the mathematical physics and a morphology of atomic structure. He defines the embryonic basis for a new brach of physics and chemistry. The implications of the breakthrough discoveries elucidated in this book have far reaching implications in every area of our lives.
Hermetics, Witchcraft and Magic has lost the key ingredient for Spells and Formulas to work in real time. When a Mage, Healer, Witch, Sorcerer etc. was trained hundreds or even thousands of years ago, they were taught the "5W's" of Magic. Who, Where, What, When and Why. If they were found to be worthy of these teachings and passed, they were lastly taught the How. This included strengthening the mind and body in order to Make this Science work. There was a special set of techniques to increase the cosmic energy in the human body. This is what caused the magic to work. The energy of the body would mix with the natural energy of the Universe and caused changes in real time and your thoughts set it all in motion. This is the missing element today. This book will help give you an idea of the relationship between Mind and Matter."

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